The Swedenborg Scientific Association cordially invites you to
BREAKING THE SHELL, October 12, 2019:
Connecting the Spiritual Cascade to the Physical with New Church Science
A Theistic Science Symposium hosted by the Swedenborg Scientific Association and the Theistic Science Group. Saturday, October 12, 2019, 9AM–5PM, Pendleton Hall, Bryn Athyn College, Bryn Athyn, PA.
Free registration requested, see below.
The Swedenborg Scientific Association would like to introduce the Theistic Science Group; a collaboration of New Church scientists and theologians working on a model of scientific principles based on the axiom of spiritual-natural causation. If natural things and processes are derived from spiritual causes, how can these be described in scientific terms? Using doctrines from Swedenborg’s scientific and theological works, the Theistic Science Group asks “How does spirit descend into nature, creating as it comes?” Questions of the origin of matter, divine order, in nature, and the emergence of organic forms are being addressed by the group. Their process will be reported at this first Theistic Science Symposium.
Please go online at for agenda, updates, and registration. Housing is available for a charge at the BA College. Talks will be live-streamed and later available on YouTube.
Contact: [email protected] for questions.
- Reuben Bell, president, Swedenborg Scientific Association — Welcome
- Ron Horvath, chairman, Theistic Science Group — Introduction to who and what is the Theistic Science Group, and what are we doing here?
- Reuben Bell – The Emergence of Organic Forms, with Q & A
- Andy Heilman – Introduction to discrete degrees in New Church Science
- Ian Thompson – Enneads of Spiritual and Physical Sub-degrees
- Andy Heilman and Ian Thompson – Q & A
- Lunch – Lunches available for purchase at the college cafeteria. Book exhibit for review and purchase, including new releases.
- Steve Smith– Puzzles and Fine-Tuning in Physics and Biology, with Q&A
- Ian Thompson – A Mechanism for Spiritual Influx into the Physical (the Nexus), with Q & A
- Panel Discussion moderated by Dan Synnestvedt
- Ron Horvath – Summary remarks: Where are we going from here? Not just an intellectual experience; a call to action in research and observations of spirit acting into nature according to the principles discussed today.
New SSA Books for 2019
Intelligent Default: Swedenborg’s Theistic Science and the Problem
of Organic Form, Reuben P. Bell ISBN: 978-0-915221-54-7
On Common Salt, Emanuel Swedenborg ISBN: 978-0-915221-72-1
All available early fall 2019 at and