by Donald L. Rose
In 1986 the Swedenborg Foundation published a commentary by Dr. Wilson Van Dusen on Swedenborg’s dreams. In 1989 a book on the subject was published in Swedish. Now an English version has been printed by the Swedenborg Foundation. I refer to the book by Lars Bergquist entitled Swedenborg’s Dream Diary. Some of us are revisiting this subject because of this new material. I want to single out one incident mentioned in the dreams and offer some observations.
by Harry Lenhammar
On Tuesday May 19, 1908, a train from Stockholm stopped in Uppsala with representatives from the Royal Academy of Science and members of the Swedenborg family. One day earlier Swedenborg’s casket had arrived on a train from Karlskrona. Now it was borne in brilliant sunshine through the flag bedecked town of Uppsala. Outside the station a large crowd of people was gathered. All of Uppsala had come out to witness the last journey of the world famous scientist and seer—titles given him by the newspaper Upsala. In the crowd, student groups were assembled under the banners of their nations. The academic ranks had come together under the leadership of the Magnificent Rector, literary historian Henrik Schück, and Uppsala’s leading government and Lutheran church officials formed one body with the Archbishop J. A. Ekman at the head.
by Lennart Wetterberg
This article presents several basic historical facts regarding Swedenborg’s view of the brain and his theory concerning the cerebral cortex and its functions. Using his studies of scientific literature in the field, autopsies, and observations on experiments with animals, Swedenborg worked his way to his own conceptions of the brain.
by Lewis F. Hite
In 1721, Swedenborg published, under the title Prodromus Principiorum Rerum Naturalium, sive Novorum Testaminum Chymiam et Physicam Experimentalem Geometrice Explicandi (A Forecast of the Principles of Natural Things or of New Attempts to explain Chemistry and Experimental Physics by Geometry), some of the results of his studies, observations, and experiments in the field of chemistry and physics up to this date.