by Alfred Acton
You know it is rather embarrassing to me to be called on year after year to address you on Swedenborg, because Swedenborg had only one life, and I cannot invent new things for that life! Today, the ninth of February, we celebrate Swedenborg’s birthday more near the true date of his birth, which was February eighth according to the new style, which was not adopted in Sweden until 1752.
by Donald G. Gladish
The spleen is a viscus of a blackish red color to the left of the stomach, under the diaphragm and close to the lower ribs. It is surrounded by two serous coats from the peritoneum. Interiorly it is entirely made up of little compartments and follicles of different shapes, connected together by strong fibers. It is divided into innumerable cells which are continuous productions of the common internal membrane of the organ. The venous ramifications appear to be surrounded by the same membrane. The cells intercommunicate by common orifices, causing the spleen to represent one continuous cavity with lesser and least divisions. Nerves and arteries pass into this tissue, and veins and lymphatics pass out of it. The common capsule conducts and encloses them as soon as they enter. Numerous nerves from the splenic plexus accompany the vessels, especially the arteries.
by Alfred Acton
When Swedenborg published the Principia in 1734, he had in mind the application of its principles to his study of the connection between the soul and the body. This is abundantly shown in his unpublished work on the Mechanism of the Soul and the Body written just prior to his journey to Germany for the purpose of printing the Principia, and also by his Psychologica written while the Principia was being printed. Both these works evidence the principles laid down in the Principia; indeed, the second contains a drawing of the soul as consisting of the first and second finites of the Principia.