The relation of Dr. Doering to the uses of the Swedenborg Scientific Association might be characterized by the words “modest” and “persistent”. The term “modest” can be used because he was not a prolific writer or student. He found writing difficult. Nevertheless, his strength among more prolific writers was felt because of his persistent adherence to certain philosophical doctrines. While the origin of these doctrines for Dr. Doering was without doubt in the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, he saw their ultimate representation in the early suggestion of them in the preparatory studies of Swedenborg.
Jerome Vinet Sellner entered the spiritual world on November 26, 2010. A life–long devotee of the New Church, Jerome gave dedicated service in the military and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. From 1974 to 1987 he served on the board of the Swedenborg Scientific Association, and became its secretary in 1983, retiring from this use in 1995.
Rev. Dr. William Ross Woofenden died in his 91st year on Friday, May 4, 2012. Bill played important roles for the Swedenborg Scientific Association from 1980 to 1999 as a Director on the Board and as the Chairman of the Publication Committee.
Swedenborg Scientific Association
The Swedenborg Scientific Association’s primary purpose is to make the scientific and philosophical works of Emanuel Swedenborg available as widely as possible. We do this by preserving, translating (into many languages), publishing, and distributing this material.
Many back issues of The New Philosophy are available to browse or search online.