Journal of the Swedenborg Scientific Association
Swedenborg Scientific Association
Publications Technician
P.O. Box 610
Bryn Athyn, PA 19009
Fax: 215-938-1853
Focus and Scope
The New Philosophy publishes articles addressing philosophical questions and topics that bear on the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. Articles that endeavor to contribute to the growing body of philosophical thought based on the theological works of Swedenborg are of particular interest. Philosophical commentary that reflects Swedenborgian or New Church thought on the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities is also welcome.
Peer Review Process
Articles are considered by two referees and the editor. See Style Guide for The New Philosophy at the back of the journal for details regarding submitted material.
Publication Frequency
The New Philosophy is published twice each year.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Style Guide
This guide applies to circumstances commonly encountered. For guidance beyond this please consult The Chicago Manual of Style . The presumption is that authors will be able to provide computer files for all articles submitted. If this is not possible, hard-copy will be accepted.
Submissions to The New Philosophy
Authors should submit three copies of the manuscript with the following items on separate sheets: figure captions, footnotes/endnotes, bibliography, and acknowledgments. The manuscript should be double spaced with one inch margins, and accompanied by a PC or Macintosh copy on CD, or emailed to [email protected] in Word format. However, if this is not possible, hard copy alone will be accepted. Authors should retain a copy of the material because the editor cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage.
Text Subdivisions
(a) First: All caps, bold, center-set.
(b) Second: First letter only cap, bold, flush left.
(c) Third: First letter only cap, bold, italic, flush left. A section of the text may also be divided by center-set roman numerals.
(d) Subsections may also be separated by roman letters in caps (A, B, C., etc.)
Capitalization should be used sparingly. The examples and general rules given below commonly apply in The New Philosophy.
(a) Bible, but biblical
(b) the Scriptures, but scriptural
(c) The “Writings” in reference to the theological writings of Swedenborg.
(d) “Divine” should always be capitalized when referring to the Divine Being, as in “the Divine Itself.” Note also the following: Divine providence, Divine truth, and Divine good in which Divine only is capitalized.
(e) Capitalize proper names when first mentioned; thereafter do not, when they stand alone. For example, “The Bryn Athyn College is a four-year liberal arts institution. The college offers the following majors…”
(a) The curved form should always be used, not the straight form.
(b) An apostrophe should not be used with dates unless it is possessive. For example, “During the 1920s moral values declined.” “The 1920’s music made people want to dance vigorously.”
(a) In a series, use a comma to separate the elements, including the final one preceded by a conjunction. For example, “Healthy plant growth
is dependent on sunlight, good soil texture, nutrients, and water.”
(b) A comma should be used before and after expressions such as “namely,” “that is,” “for example,” or their abbreviated forms. (c) Commas should be used to set off nonrestrictive phrases or clauses. An essential clause must not be so set off.
Ellipsis points
The SSA follows the practice of using three points only which may be accompanied by other punctuation if it adds to the meaning. For example, “The steam engine played a major role in the industrial revolution… However,…” (See CMS 14th Edition 10.50)
Hyphens (-), en dashes (–), and em dashes (—)
(a) Hyphens are not used in inclusive number sequences; for example, 12-20; the en dash should be used here, that is, 12–20.
(b) En dashes should also be used for inclusive time series; for example, June–December.
(c) Em dashes should be used, though sparingly, to signal a bigger break in continuity than that expressed by a comma. For example, “However, drawing attention to these questions regarding ‘last things’ involves a great danger—that of drifting over into spiritism.” Notice that no space is given before or after the em dash.
Punctuation with quotation marks
(a) A comma or a period when needed must always be placed before quotation marks.
(b) Question marks and exclamation marks must be placed after quotation marks unless they are included in a quotation. (c) Semicolons and colons must be placed after quotation marks.
Spacing after a period
A single space only is placed after a period when it is followed by a new sentence. “The environment will be the major issue for the next fifty years. However,…”
Referencing Systems
In the journal the editors accept articles in several styles, as follows:
(a) Author-date system. This is commonly found in scientific literature. In text, both for nonspecific reference or specific reference with quotation, the author and year of publication is given followed by page numbers. For example: The journey was a long and difficult one (Walker 1845, 78–96). When this method is used, a bibliography must, of course, be provided.
(b) Use of footnotes or endnotes. The journal receives articles that employ either footnotes (preferred) or endnotes for which superscript numbers must be placed by hand, not by computer command. It is imperative that the footnotes and endnotes are either placed at the end of the article or in a separate file. DO NOT USE WORD PROCESSING PROGRAM COMMANDS FOR FOOTNOTES OR ENDNOTES.
(c) The editors encourage authors to provide a bibliography even when information is fully provided in footnotes or endnotes.
Footnote/Endnote References
(a) Book: David Stafford, Britain and European Resistance, 1940–1945 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980), 90.
(b) Journal: James F. Powers, “Frontier Municipal Baths and Social Interaction in Thirteenth-Century Spain,” American Historical Review 84 (June 1997): 649–67.
(c) The first footnote reference should be a full one, and succeeding references should have the last name of the author and then the page number only. “Ibid.” should be used after the first reference to a source if succeeding references to the same source follow directly after. Stafford, 93. Ibid., 95.
(a) Book: Stafford, David. British and European Resistance, 1940–1945 . Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1950.
(b) Journal: Powers, James F. “Frontier Municipal Baths and Social Interaction in Thirteenth-Century Spain.” American Historical Review 84 (June 1979): 649–67.
Common Abbreviations
(a) “Trans.” for translator, translation.
(b) “Ed.” for editor.
(c) “No.” for number.
(d) “Vol.” for volume.
References to the Writings of Swedenborg
(a) With quoted text: “. . .” (AC 1799).
(b) With regular text: . . . (AC 1799).
(c) With block quotations: The source should be in parentheses and placed after the final punctuation. In the text, titles of the Writings should be spelled out in italics.
(d) In footnotes, abbreviations may be used, then followed by § and the numeral, closing with a period. For example: DLW § 43. SS §§ 95–103.
(e) A selection of Abbreviated Titles of Swedenborg’s Works works in included in issues.
Translations of Foreign Titles
Translations of foreign titles should be placed directly after the title, in parentheses. The translation should be set in roman type and the first word and proper nouns and adjectives should be capitalized.
Latin Expressions
Latin expressions such as a priori, ibid., passim should be in roman. Sic should be in italics.
Block Quotations
Long quotations, three lines or more, are indented and set in smaller type than the text. Short quotations are usually enclosed in quotation marks in the text. But if there is value, such as emphasis, then short quotations may be indented as block quotations. Quotation marks are not used with indented quotations. However, if there are quotes within the block, the double quotation marks are used.
In the figure caption use “Figure #.” When referring to a figure in parentheses in the text: (Fig. #); (see Fig. #). When referring to a figure in the text, as in: “The Figure # shows the complex nature of . . . “