Swedenborg Scientific Association

Publishers of The New Philosophy Journal

About Us

We Publish

The Swedenborg Scientific Association’s primary purpose is to make the scientific and philosophical works of Emanuel Swedenborg available as widely as possible. We do this by preserving, translating (into many languages), publishing, and distributing this material.

Historically, the SSA played a central role in collecting and preserving Swedenborg’s published and unpublished work. Today, we turn our attention to publishing works of current scholars writing about Swedenborg’s works and the environment in which they were created—scholarship that helps us understand the man and his work better.

Please browse our catalog of publications or take a look at our journal, The New Philosophy.

We Promote

Our second, but no less important, is our mission to promote the principles taught within the works that we publish. Swedenborg’s earlier works were not only insightful and foundational, but were part of his preparation to write the Heavenly Doctrines. The New Philosophy, our journal published twice each year, is our main voice. In it, we published the best of the scholarship surrounding Swedenborg and his scientific and philosophical work. In the future, we hope to expand this second purpose with conferences and other events to gather interested scholars and introduce students to these ideas for future scholarship.

The New Philosophy

The journal of the
Swedenborg Scientific Association

Free with Membership


The journal publishes articles addressing philosophical questions and topics that bear on the scientific, philosophical, and theological works of Swedenborg.

Includes book reviews, and a Notes & Comments department. Triennial index.

Editor: Reuben Bell


Swedenborg Scientific Association
Publications Technician
P.O. Box 610
Bryn Athyn, PA 19009


Send your email to [email protected]


Fax: 215-938-1853