Swedenborg Scientific Association

Publishers of The New Philosophy Journal



Swedenborg Scientific & Theistic Science Group

Intelligent Default​

Dr. Reuben Bell
President of the SSA, Author: Intelligent Default

Natural forms are not “designed,” nor do they appear by accident. Every organic form is a “default setting”, as it were, established according to parameters inherent in matter, in response to environmental conditions, but dependent on reciprocal, functional interaction with a spiritual cause as well. These parameters are analogically reflective of the human form, manifesting itself in continual creation, by means of processes described by Swedenborg’s doctrines of Degrees, Forms and Correspondence. Evolution of new forms and adaptation of existing forms to changing conditions, occur in the crucible of the “randomness” of nature, into which, at its inmost level, flows the template of divine human form.

The New Philosophy:

100 years of the Swedenborg Scientific Association and its Contributions to a New World of Ideas

Rev. Stephen Cole

Assistant Professor of Religion and Philosophy

Starting Science from God

Ian Thompson, Ph.D.

Theoretical Nuclear Physicist. Author: Starting Science from God, Philosophy of Nature and Quantum Reality, Nuclear Reactions for Astrophysics, Compound Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics (EaglePearlPress.com)

Swedenborg’s Influence on the Development of Osteopathy

Dr. David Fuller

Author: Osteopathy and Swedenborg

Dr. Fuller explains the history of Osteopathy and the role that the works of Emanuel Swedenborg played on the development and on the founders of Osteopathy.

Swedenborg’s Scientific Works and the Swedenborg Scientific Association (Book Expo 2015)

Dr. Reuben Bell
Author, Intelligent Default

Unmasking Naturalism: The “Science Wars” and Freeing the Spirit

Dan Synnestvedt, Ph.D.

History of Naturalism v. God. Editor: Faith and Learning and Editor and contributing author: The World Transformed

The World Transformed: 1700s and Beyond

Michael Hogan

Contributing author: The World Transformed

The changes to the world after the Last Judgment – Second coming of the Lord in the 1770s.

The New Philosophy

The journal of the
Swedenborg Scientific Association

Free with Membership


The journal publishes articles addressing philosophical questions and topics that bear on the scientific, philosophical, and theological works of Swedenborg.

Includes book reviews, and a Notes & Comments department. Triennial index.

Editor: Reuben Bell


Swedenborg Scientific Association
Publications Technician
P.O. Box 610
Bryn Athyn, PA 19009


Send your email to [email protected]


Fax: 215-938-1853